Sunday, September 1, 2013

Winterville, NC: August 25th, 2012 - The Watermelon Festival

My first accompanied travel, although one that I say barely counts.  If it hadn't been for the Watermelon Festival, I think I'd firmly decide that it doesn't.

My parents had begun maybe a year or two prior visiting small town food festivals for no better reason that I can determine beyond "we are retired and we can".  I had tagged along for the Peanut Festival the year before in Peleon, SC, and that August there was one dedicated to watermelons in what is essentially Greenville's backyard.

Winterville is just south of Greenville and is by many accounts barely a separate place at all.  It's more like a suburb.  Winterville citizens, do not be offended.  You know I speak the truth. 

So my parents arrived and we drove the 20 or so minutes to where the festival was being held.  There was a parade:

Some deep fried Oreos, a staple of fair food everywhere:

And a few carnival rides that looked far too unstable to be trusted:

And that was that.

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