Sunday, September 1, 2013

Hi Hello

So, I've been doing just a wee bit of traveling over the past little while, and I felt like putting all the stories, pictures, and timeline in one place for easy nostalgia-browsing later.  And if other people read it, well that's good too.

I mean, I'm sure the last thing we need in this world is another travel blog, but here I am anyway.

Let me retract that statement.  "The last thing we need" is something orders of magnitude worse than a superfluous travel blog.  Like genocide maybe.  But you know what I mean.

Anyway, here's me, for the record:
I'm going to try to force this thing to let me post posts from the past so everything will be ordered and labeled correctly by default.  There is a good chance this is impossible.  So we may just have to deal with it when the time comes.

That's all for now

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