Friday, February 23, 2018

La Grange, KY: February 20, 2018 - A Train in the Middle of Main

A couple of wonderfully, inexplicably warm days graced February earlier this week, and I made it a point to take advantage of them.  Picked a Kentucky town not too far away called La Grange and headed out.

Tracked down a few parks to take advantage of the weather.  The first was called Wilborn Park, which boasted just a few short trails around a small lake, but after so many weeks of cold, it was idyllic.

Crossed over this little stream:

And followed the trail til it ended:

Retraced my steps and finished exploring in the other direction:

Before heading off to park #2, called Walsh Park.  This one was more geared toward sports than nature, and turned out to be on the property of some church.

Got just a brief walk there, then off to the main square of the town to find a place I'd looked up: La Grange Coffee Roasters:

It was great!  Enjoyed my first iced coffee since winter began and sat for a bit.  Then, out of the front window, I noticed that there was something very big and alarming tracking right through the middle of main street:

The train tracks take up much of the street, so I guess that's where the train will run.  I'm used to it being off away from the center of commerce in a city, but there you go.

After that I made my way home.  Another one of my brief outings, but it was so great to be out in the warm world once again.

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