Friday, February 23, 2018

Oberlin, OH: January 4, 2018 - Job Hunting

Waited a little while to post this, because I wanted to have made a decision on whether or not to take this job before adding the trip to my blog.  I won't go into much detail, but the end result is that I will not be moving to Ohio - not yet, anyhow.

But at the moment I went up to Oberlin, there was certainly a chance.  Had an interview with the music library at Oberlin Conservatory which required me being there in person, and not wanting to spend money on a hotel and stay overnight, I drove up and back in a single day, something north of 10 hours all told.  It was a long day.

Got there about 1:00 PM to take a brief basic-office-skills test, after having caught a good 30 minutes of that lake effect snow after leaving the interstate.

This was before any of the Louisville snows for this year, so it was quite a sight.

Had the chance to walk around a very small portion of the campus after my skills test on the way to the library; had it not been 10 degrees outside, I might have made it a point to explore the campus further.

Drove a few blocks over to where the conservatory was, finding a place on the main square of the town to park:

Made it to the conservatory building itself, with its striking design:

And went in for my interview proper:

After all that, I was free to go, and again, as much as I'd have liked to explore, it was cold, and I had a good 5 hours on the road ahead of me, and as you can see, the sun was already on its way down by the time I left:

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