Monday, June 29, 2015

Verona, Italy: June 29, 2015 - You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone

The sign of a good meal is that when the food comes, the conversation completely stops. This happened pretty much every time we ate while we were in Italy.

We're losing Julie, the employee of the tour company along to evaluate the trip, today. "Losing her" meaning she's staying in Switzerland when we go through. She's not dying. Don't worry. But it's still sad. We've all grown close on this trip and it'll feel just that much emptier for her absence.

It is interesting how that sort of thing always seems to happen on trips like this. You spend enough time with people, they start to feel like family. I've reached the point where real life seems like the strange thing. Constant travel is the new normal. I know I'm in for a hell of a case of travel withdrawal when it's all over.

Stopped in Verona on our way out of Italy. Verona, as you know, is the setting of Romeo and Juliet. Fun fact: Shakespeare never visited Verona. The Montagues and Capulets may have existed, but the love story is pure fiction. Nevertheless, Verona somehow has the balcony where Romeo wherefores Juliet in that famous scene:

And a statue of Juliet:

It is said that grabbing her boob brings good luck. Not even kidding about that.

We passed by their arena:

Which is now a theater. They're currently running a production of Aida. Which helped explain these things out front:

We spent the morning walking around and finding a place for lunch. I didn't take many pictures of the streets of Verona. I took a break from picture-taking. I'm getting picture fatigue. Just think of the streets of Venice a little wider and minus canals. Ta-da!

Here's a river, as consolation:

Got our lunch - the last meal in Italy! - and pressed on. Near the Swiss border, we passed a lake where George Clooney supposedly has a house:

More bus photos. Name of the game.

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