Saturday, June 27, 2015

Innsbruck, Austria: June 27, 2015 - Good to See You Again

Quick jaunt through Austria on our way to Italy. Innsbruck is mostly known as a town that hosted the winter olympics twice, but (as with much of Austria) it is also beyond beautiful. The Alps as a backdrop tends to have that effect.

We had just enough time for lunch and a bit of sightseeing. We started at this shop slash museum of...some famous guy whose name I don't remember. He is famous for his glass carving. Apparently he designed the star on top of the big Christmas tree in New York. So, that guy.

Swank-atorium. Kind of neat, but

a little out of my price range.

The town:

Cool cool. We got lunch at a neat place, as always. So far the meals have been all hits. Then we went to Photo-op River:


It's good to see Austria again. It's not a part of Austria I've been to before - there's only one place on this tour I've been already (and I'm not counting Munich in that) - but still, it almost feels familiar. And my last trip was so wonderful, so being reminded of it is nice. But no time to soak it in! Pip pip! On we go!

On our bus ride out, people are oohing and aahing at our first glipses of snow-covered Alpine peaks. Meanwhile I'm like, psh, guys I've been on one of those. In a tux!

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