Sunday, June 26, 2016

Bardstown, KY: March 16, 2016 - Spring Break Break

Setting a new record for delay in getting this post written up.  I haven't even been that busy.  But I have been that lazy.  So it goes.

Back in March, in the midst of spring break, a friend and I decided to alleviate our boredom by taking a quick jaunt over to Bardstown for the day, a town about 40 minutes from Louisville, which claims to be one of the top 100 small towns in America.  I am not aware of the criteria used to come to that evaluation, but here we are.

I had actually been to Bardstown before, back in September of 2014, for Bourbonfest, but I had mainly stayed in this like roped-off field and didn't get to explore the town that much, so I was interested in going back.  We arrived and parked in the main square, which looks a lot like many other small town main squares:

We then found a little art shop:

Which was quaint and lovely and small-town charmy and all the things like that.

But that was about it for the main square.  We then set off to find a nice park to walk around in.  First, the GPS lead us here:

Which was more of like a campground than anything.  And also wasn't very big.  Attempt number two lead us somewhere a bit more promising, a place called My Old Kentucky Home State Park, which was apparently the location that inspired Stephen Foster to pen that now-famous tune:

Sat under the gazebo and heard it chime out the park's titular song:

But I think we missed the meat of the place here, too, as we soon came upon people's backyards and a golf course, which seemed to demarcate the end of the park.  Looking at it on a map, there seems to be a lot more to the place, so I don't quite know how we missed it so completely.

Anyway, try number three was a success, as we made our way at last to a larger park with some nature trails and things of that sort.

The trail was a bit muddy, and I wasn't exactly wearing the best shoes for the job, but it was nice nonetheless, and it was nice to finally see the town.  We left shortly thereafter, as I had church choir practice to get home to.

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