Friday, August 31, 2018

Clarksville, TN: August 29-30, 2018 - Heat

I wish the defining feature of my solo overnight to Clarksville wasn't the ungodly heat, but here we are.  

I rolled into town Wednesday afternoon - the last free Wednesday I'd have before church choir started back up for the fall - checked into the hotel, and made my way to the center of town. I'd found a good free public parking spot by the river and figured I'd start there, circumnavigate the town, and end back in the town center for food and drinks.  

Things did not end up going that way.  To be clear, I did end up parking in that spot by the river, just a few feet from this place:

...but my romp through the town would end up being cut short.  First of all, Clarksville is way more hilly than I anticipated:

Which added to the cardiovascular exertion that doomed my chances of an extended afternoon stroll.

By the time I passed through the campus of Austin Peay State University, the 96° heat was taking its toll.  In the shade, it was surprisingly manageable, but the shady spots were few and far between - most of the hour-and-a-half or so I spent outside was in direct, sweltering sunlight.

I got turned around, too, which I'm sure didn't add much to the experience, and had to backtrack significantly to get to my car before dropping dead.  In my car's mirror, I saw I was bright red, and it wasn't a result of sunburn - it was almost certainly the early trappings of heat exhaustion.  I made my way back to the hotel, got a cold drink and some ice in that hotel ice bucket they always have, and literally chilled in my hotel room for a bit, awaiting the cooler hours of evening.

Eventually I did return, and try #2 fared far better.  Here's that same riverside toward sunset:

The big feature anyone from this area might know is this bridge into town:

Which provides a nice view:

I made my way into the main area of town, which is quite lovely.  There was this park:

The courthouse:

Some churches:

And the main square:

Got to enjoy a pretty great sunset as I walked:

Went into this place for a beer:

Then made my way down the street just a little further for another:

Returned to my car by the river:

And drove back to the hotel.  I had a bit of time that next morning to go back and try again with the sights I'd missed the day before due to the heat, but I was satisfied with the trip as it stood.  I checked out and made my way back home.

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